Tax receipts are issued for all donations of $25 or more.
Opera York is a Registered Charitable Organization No. 88563 4568 RR0001
We gratefully receive all donations and are now accepting online donations through PayPal. Please click on the button below:

Other ways to donate:
Opera York supports emerging Canadian talent and offers this wonderful art form at reasonable prices close to home in York Region. Opera York uses Canadian singers, with emphasis on artists from Ontario, and on the introduction of new artists from York Region.
Opera York provides full opera productions with orchestra such as La Bohéme, and programs such as Opera for Schools and Opera for Seniors. We support the growth of the arts and the development of theatres in our area. These works are possible only because of the support of donors like you.
We have offered live concerts introducing elementary and high school students to opera through the stories and well known arias of opera. One of our favorite moments was of a young girl in the audience listening to the Queen of the Night aria, reach into the stratosphere of notes, beginning to cover her ears in fear and then relaxing, realizing it wasn’t going to hurt. The program was also offered with a French moderator, using French opera arias for the French Immersion Program. Both programs have a supplementary manual for teachers on all things opera. The Education Program includes a program to support our opera with a Children’s Chorus, giving children an exciting experience of opera, and an opportunity to learn classical music and drama, including stage movement. Some members of our Children’s Chorus have moved on to our adult chorus and then on to university vocal/education programs.
The company recognizes the importance of serving its diverse multicultural community. It offers Italian productions, French productions and very recently expanded its base to include a production in Hebrew.
We appeal to individuals and companies who value the arts in our society, to help us continue to Raise the Curtain on all our programs. All contributions will be deductible charitable donations for tax purposes.
- $50 to help us introduce a young person to opera
- $500 to provide an artist with professional training
- $1,000 to support our orchestra or set development
- $5,000 to partially fund our world-renowned operas
You can honour a family member or special friend who loved opera through making a special donation. All donations are appropriately listed in our annual magazine.
For more information, please contact:
Joan Sax, Opera York Development Department at 905-763-7853
or email us at